Welcome to The 3-Month Experiment!

In order to have something you’ve never had, you have to be willing to do something you’ve never done!

While you may think I’m directing the above statement to you it’s actually the crossroad I came to on the way to launch Right Your Rules University – it is my advice to me!

One of my strengths is never letting “I don’t have a frigging clue how to do that” stop me. Much like I wonder how parents know how to look after the children they bring into the world, my baby has always been a business, and I believe we both have the same answer – you figure it out.

During October, November and December of 2024 I’m inviting you to help me figure out some logistics, details and test some systems while I help you in your business or career (and your body + golf game if that’s of interest to you).

For you to decide if this is right for you and what YOU want at this point in your life look at if you’re making progress towards what you say you want to be, have and do -
or are you holding yourself back?

Could it be that you’re undermining your own success without even realizing it?

Answering that requires a hard look at yourself and what you’ve been doing. Self-sabotage is more common than you think. This can look like something simple, such as procrastination. It can also be incredibly complex, involving many different behaviors all guaranteed to keep you from getting ahead.

Ask yourself…

  • How does my life change if I succeed right now?
  • What am I going to have to give up were I to succeed?
  • What kind of person do I have to become in order to succeed?
  • Who might I lose from my life if I succeed?
  • What is the benefit of the status quo?
  • What questions or changes can I avoid by staying where I am?

Some of that may feel a little uncomfortable. After all, aren’t we supposed to love success? Don’t we want to be someone bigger and better than we are right now? Don’t we want to accomplish great things with our lives? Isn’t success supposed to be the high point of your life? 

What you might not realize is, it’s not uncommon to fight for the status quo. Staying where you are is comfortable, even when it isn’t.

Or maybe you’re in the camp where you’re beginning to wonder “is being unhappy affecting my health?”

Consider this. The last time you felt depressed, what did you do? How were you sleeping? Were you eating healthy foods or reaching for the empty calories full of fat and sugar? Did you take time out to exercise, or were you more likely to spend your time binge-watching one series after another on your favorite streaming service?

The problem with being unhappy is we tend to drag ourselves down. Our emotions are running the show, and they're not doing a good job of it. Over time, you feel tired and lethargic.

When was the last time you felt like you stalled out? When we’re not doing the things we want or are attempting to force our feet along a path we dislike, we’ll tend to stall out. It’s hard to make yourself look for solutions when you never wanted to be where you are in the first place.

What does this have to do with selling and marketing you and your business?


What you believe about yourself and life will have a bigger impact on your results than any strategy or tactic.

Here’s my offer… A 3-Month Membership to the Right Your Rules University for only $247 (full tuition $497)


The Fundamentals Start October or November


Self-Love Success
(Click to Read More)


Stop What's Stopping You
(Clcik to Read More)


Twice Weekly Group Zoom


Private Tapping Session ($225 value)


Sessions available if you can't make it live

For the 3-month test run you do not have to be a golfer - all business owners and salespeople can participate!

Use the button below to make your purchase.
If it doesn't work it means the
3-Month membership offer is closed.