Did you know that your habitual thoughts about money are going to have a huge impact on whether you achieve your goals or don’t?

The only way to ensure that you live the life you want is to HAVE empowering financial beliefs.

Consider this…

Having more money isn’t so much about changing the way you work as it is changing the way you think.  You have the ability to make as much money as you want and yet for most of us, we’ve been told our entire lives that the only way to make more money is to work harder or win the lottery.  Yes, lottery wins do happen and yet the odds are not in your favor if that’s your wealth and/or retirement strategy.

And it’s not true that working harder always gets you more money.  There’s not a direct correlation between how hard you work and how much money you make.  This seems glaringly obvious when you consider that people who work in physically demanding labor-type jobs make the least amount of money and those (typically) sitting at a desk talking about things they’re passionate about, make the most.


"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."

Henry David Thoreau

One of the core Lessons I teach every client is about Money:

And here is why

There is a direct parallel between your money mindset and how much money you make. So if one of your goals is something that is going to provide you with a large financial payout then it’s important to understand that your money beliefs will either catapult you to wealth or keep you stuck in ‘not having’. The way you think about money has a real and direct influence on how much you actually make. If you want to achieve your goal, then you're going to have to give up self-sabotaging money practices.

There’s a good chance that what you believe about money simply isn't true. We’ve been conditioned by society, our parents, and our friends to believe certain things about money. And most of us have believed those things without ever questioning them. As a result, we have what you might call a “difficult” experience with money. We want more of it and yet can never seem to get enough. We feel happy when we have it, then we feel conflicted when we spend.

To change your experience with money you might need to alter the identity you have built around your beliefs about you and money. Lottery winners are notorious for losing everything because, even though it's suddenly thrust into their lives, they haven’t built the self-image of a wealthy person – they haven’t developed any “having” muscles. Since they don’t see themselves as someone who is used to having money, managing, investing, and making it work for them they promptly get rid of it.



You probably have similar money beliefs as your parents.

Did you ever sit down and think about which type of ‘money relationship’ suits you best?

Or have you just continued with what you were exposed to as a child?


If you’d like to start exploring your money beliefs I have a low-cost offer for you…

DIY Money Mojo Bundle

This bundle has a total of 5 PFD’s for you to use to take a look at what you really do, and don’t, believe about money.

It includes:
Money Matters: How Your Out-Look Impacts Your In-Come (+ Workbook)
Change Your Money Beliefs and Change Your Life (+ Worksheet)
The Right Your Rules Goal Journal Planner

$17 + tax

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