The path to success is paved with self-love

"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."
Lucille Ball

Without a healthy level of self-esteem and self-confidence (followed closely by worthiness and deserving) you’re either going to sabotage yourself along the way and never realize the vision you have for your life and business, or you’re going to achieve it and then feel like a fraud, suffering further from “imposter syndrome”.

Believing you can accomplish what you set out to do is one thing – believing it’s OK to have what you want is another. Both require your permission.

While it’s not often in the ‘top 10’ list of things to do on your way to achieving your goals, loving yourself is one piece of the puzzle that is going to make all the others so much easier to put into place.

One reason we find it so easy to not love ourselves is because we don’t love how we look.  A big part of feeling good about our life – our overall happiness – is feeling good about our bodies.

self-Love success offers this content

30 Days of Self-Worth
Nurture Unconditional Love and Boost Your Self Esteem
30 Lessons + Checklist, Daily Tracker, Worksheet
Unlocking Freedom, Health and Peace with Food
A Simple Guide to Intuitive Eating
6 Lessons + Workbook
Visualize to Realize
Using Your Inner Vision to Reach Your Goals
3 Lessons + Workbook
True Contentment
Embracing Who You Are and What You Have in a World That Demands More
5 Lessons + Journal
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You cannot build or maintain any long-term success on self-loathing.

Loving yourself enough to follow your passion is so important. You are the only one who holds the key to your own happiness. When you create a plan that aligns with your values, beliefs, and goals, you’re sending yourself a powerful message—you are worthy of this commitment and deserving of a life that makes you truly happy.

Pursuing what's important to you feels good. And when you love yourself along the way, the journey is just as enjoyable as (if not more rewarding than) the achievement itself.

'Self-Love Success' is bonus content in the 3-month membership