Hello and Welcome!

I’m happy to have you here and my aim is that by the time you’ve read some posts you are too.

To keep things simple, I’ve put the posts in 3 categories: Your Mind and Brain (yes, they are two different things and yet so deeply intertwined that it makes good sense to have everything in the same bucket); Your Play and Your Business.

For anyone who knows me you’ve no doubt noticed that business building is my passion and my life!  There is nothing that makes my heart sing more than helping someone else to expand their business – first and foremost by expanding their belief systems – because that IS where it all starts.  If you were to pause a moment and look around, you will see that everything your eyes land upon started as an idea in someone’s mind first.  That is why I focus so heavily on the “mind game” of success in business.

For those who don’t know me or haven’t read my LinkedIn information you may notice this platform is hosted by Merry Moola. Merry Moola, Inc. is the name of my company (which I formed back in 2015).  I believe strongly that it’s important for people to “Make Money Doing What Makes Your Heart Sing” and that is what I am here to show the people who have a heart that ‘sings golf’ how to do!

Many years ago, I worked with golfers on their “mental game” and that is really where I developed my joy of seeing the results of changes in people’s beliefs and thinking play out so clearly.  When I had the opportunity to do that on a way bigger scope by introducing a revolutionary new “can’t be done” technology to the U.S. I moved on to other ventures.  Changing what people believe “is possible” still fuels me to this day and now that we have this thing called the internet, I’m excited to be able to reach a much larger audience while teaching you how to do the same thing.  As a throwback to the olden days of when I first started my own golf business, handing out VistaPrint postcards was how it was done! 

Here you’ll find a collection of my thoughts about beliefs with plenty of solid advice and ideas on “how to” in your business.  For those of you who do not participate in the program I offer, there is enough here that you’ll be able to take away from each post to incorporate into your business (to a lesser degree your golf game) and life. For those that do (thank you very much by the way) the posts will serve to reinforce what we discuss during our time together.  Either way my intention is to offer on-going support, both on and off the golf course, in pursuit of whatever is important to you.

If there is something specific you’d like see a post on please email Hello at RightYourRules dot com with your question/idea.

All-in-all, thank you for being here –

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