Author name: slg

Brain Wiring

While people have evolved as a civilization your brain is still operating at somewhat of a primitive level. Basically, you are wired for ‘fight or flight’ in response to the dangers your ancient ancestors encountered, most of which were a threat to their survival and thus, very fear based. In our modern world, the only

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The Importance of Gratitude

Your first thought may have been, “WTF does this have to do with golf?” so let’s get right to it – everything! Anyone who knows me knows that I am BIG on appreciation and gratitude (and that I swear like a truck driver – no disrespect to truck drivers). As you make your way through

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Beyond Positive Thinking

One of the most common misunderstandings I encounter when talking to people about the mindset behind any achievement is that it is ALL about learning how to “think positively” and yet the area where I focus in helping new golf instructors achieve their goals is in learning to understand and then let go of their

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Golf and Other 4-Letter Words

One of the quickest and simplest ways to impact your play is with your language. And no, not THAT language!  The brain attaches meaning and emotion to words we use without any conscious effort on our part.  Much like when you don’t know the meaning of a word, you’ll have little or no emotional response

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Actions That Impact Your Success

Whatever you’ve already accomplished in your business, there’s always another desire that pops up – expansion and ‘more’ is a part of how we’re wired as humans. If you’re aiming for more achievement, you can improve your life dramatically with a few simple changes. Although these suggestions are simple and straightforward, most of them will

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Hello and Welcome!

I’m happy to have you here and my aim is that by the time you’ve read some posts you are too. To keep things simple, I’ve put the posts in 3 categories: Your Mind and Brain (yes, they are two different things and yet so deeply intertwined that it makes good sense to have everything

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Golfers and Their B.S.

Golfers and Their B.S. (Belief Systems) While many beliefs are quickly evident sometimes they don’t become glaringly obvious until you’re way down the rabbit hole (or in the rough). I worked with a 20-something golfer one time who was attempting to take his play to the next level (to the extent of having parents who

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